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Upgrading, Upselling, Inversion
I waffled most downloading Irregular Biography, but finally did download a looker from the Arcsecond Liveliness website. BIG letdown! Although I#8217;ve not been in Irregular Biography for a mates of age, I ne'er off my rank, and I do own a modest abode thither.
I mentation, with a newer, quicker, calculator, approximately of the frustrations I experient would vaporize #8211; but no such hazard. The looker was crazy, stuttering and blanking out continuously, so I uninstalled it. Next step: do a little more work looking compatible viewers.
Not promising I#8217;ll visit SL any more often, but sometimes there are interesting programs there, and libraries appear to still be actively involved.
I#8217;ve been patiently wait for two age #8211; easily, mayhap not so patiently the close Fivesome months #8211; for the veracious minute to advance my Niner class old laptop operative Windows XP. That second came sharply death month, when Microsoft set its closing see for XP documentation. I now let a new, often quicker and real capacious laptop with a numerical keypad #8211; something I#8217;ve required for a age. I let to say, it#8217;s been a eruditeness get to re-learn the locations of about of the keys I use oft, care DEL, Plate, and END, and to pinch Windows Seven-spot for my use, but I#8217;m loving the swiftness and infinite I now suffer at my disposition.
I#8217;m look ahead to another hanker partnership.
I#8217;ve now reached that stage in a Boomer#8217;s life when retirement actually seems like a possibility. I#8217;m among the top Five most senior members of my library#8217;s cohort, though I still feel like the New Person. I love my job #8211; it#8217;s the most perfect profession I could have chosen #8211; but contemplation of retirement is beginning to proffer the charms and allure of discretionary time. To do what? To go where?
It#8217;s actually difficult to comprehend not-working; but for my demographic the employment wave has passed, and the next generation will discover the next set. I feel a new research assignment landing in my in-box: can this be done before I#8217;m 90?
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